In India, while private prostitution is legal, public prostitution - including brothels and red-light districts, are illegal, but the laws are rarely enforced and it is easy for sex buyers to find brothels. Children are often trafficked due to poverty or organized crime. We commonly see parents that sell their daughters and husbands that sell their wives. Freedom is difficult and dangerous, and women who have been in the sex trade for many years have a sense of despair with no hope. The Department of State has listed India as a Tier 2 Country in the
2022 Trafficking of Persons Report, meaning their government does not fully meet the
Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA)’s minimum standards but are making significant efforts to bring themselves into compliance with those standards. As a result of the national religion’s caste system, most of the women are from lower castes and believe that it’s their destiny to not have a better life, which is why bringing The Gospel is all the more important.