Davina's Story

Date: December 1, 2022
Est. Reading: 1 minute

My name is Davina, and I live with my daughter and grandchild. My daughter is the one who supports our family by working at a supermarket 7 days a week. Together, we have to be very good with items we manage to acquire from the family basket, as she only receives her salary once a month so we need to be good stewards to ensure the food lasts.

Before joining this program, I worked cleaning homes during the mornings, and in the afternoons I would do paid sexual acts around some areas of the Kennedy neighborhood. In those moments I felt like my life would end without me ever getting out of that situation. I didn’t believe I had any new opportunities. My life changed in a radical way because at the PTI Training Institute they taught me how much value I have as a woman, and to believe in myself. I now occupy my time learning and I value very much all that’s been done to help us.

The most important lesson has been learning how to pray and knowing that God loves me and wants the best for my life. It has been very meaningful to share with and learn with other women. May God bless you for the help you’ve extended to us, thank you for supporting us in our education, because thanks to you, we’re here.

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